twirling down and settling below the crown and face i stayed thinking only of what had been and how i could keep it; yet, one word, one little word from you and the trees fell the oaks bent the world ceases in motion (a momentous clearing, rough as dust settles as if the forest ripped open into naked blue). and i was so aware ofeverythingalltogether bowed low by a (whisper) spoken through. and too, i felt naked hiding behind anything i could find, scurrying from log to limb to rock and bush, from the voice that came and beckoned with uprooting questions: (the kind in which both parties already know the answer). and i laugh now that it’s all over but then and still the answer shakes me, and i am seen through, though the darkness overtakes me, and haven’t yet found myself in the messesmaking; but the dontleavemehere and the imalreadytaken, compoundedtogether, bridging the words of now-into-forever, over-the-bend to then, still dabbling in the maybe, who knows, and certainly these things will come to be; caught here in the forest laid low where sky bears down, dust settles, and the glow up-rises in me, springing not in force, no, but blooming like a flower at the proper hour bears its rose, and all is lifted from the hiding places and all our faces break into tears and smiles and embraces: to those hidden with me sheltered ‘mongst the shrubs see that you’ve been seen, and rest easy, dawn has come.