the only way through pain and wounding, is a God-sized hope, thorough, consuming.
belief is a downward spiral
mile upon mile
bridges built in-bewteen
one vast network
pull one string, e'ry reality shutters;
pull another, lights dim;
light a candle, the sun burns red;
light a lamp, and all creation says;
"in you, Jesus, when faith is alive,
everything, yes, everything multiplies,"
vibrant as a world of mirrors,
shouting movement, movement, to each other
e're increasing echoes:
e'ry action has (not
only) an an equal and
opposite reaction
but a transcendent, vibrant,
eternal resurrection
when unfurled, bears upon e'ry brow
e'ry hair, e'ry face, e'ry here and now,
the multiplying effect of sin undone
one swift, infinite act(ion):
and there. and it's done.
even saddest stories lift from regret
even axe heads rise
as this river reflects.
yes, the work of infinite multiplication
has an equal and inverse effect on all
evil, watching e'ry ill raging in order
at the deign, the delight,
of the divine sight.
add the sweetness of an intimate kiss,
replacing unutterable meaninglessnness
with a breathing, wide-eyed-grace
'til the human race is swallowed whole in
the grandeur of God, a known and unfolding
flower, a heart once wounded, now bound,
healed, steadied, sturdied, and found and
sealed in the upending love of
an upsidedown sharing,
life divine, now revealing heaven rending,
the unpredictable way they say
His nature unfolds to the layers of clay.
hmm, i see the way only through pain and wounding,
is a God-sized hope, thorough, consuming.
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